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Titanium Dioxide

Updated: Feb 10, 2022

Titanium dioxide. Big deal, right? It's in food, supplements, paint, makeup and sunscreen. It must be safe. Well, it's not. It can cause disease, autoimmunity, gut problems, lung disease, and more.

Henry Osiecki (a brilliant doctor, nutrition guy, and is well versed in metabolism and disease) provides an informative read on titanium dioxide.

He writes: "We've had clients come to clinic with high titanium and they're confused as to why. Consider that it's in whitened foods (for example, lollies & cheese), prescription medication, dental implants, surgical implants nutritional & herbal supplements, glittery makeup, sunscreen designed for sensitive skin or infants (really! we're putting it on our babies!) paints, paper, and ink, it's no surprise really."

What to do??

It really is challenging. Especially if it is in your prescription medications. Or a surgical implant. There's not much that can be done in those instances. Reconsider any foods, medications, or beauty products that are bright white. They will have titanium dioxide.

It is in toothpaste. Cottage cheese, cream cheese. Chewing gum! Look for E171 in food and supplements. Sometimes it isn't labelled, it's only listed as an excipient or as natural colouring agent. Contact the company to find out. Most professional grade supplements must list it. Reconsider your makeup choices. Lipsticks typically contain 10% titanium dioxide ( Titanium is found in powders, eyeshadows, and foundations. It's in some top of the line skin whitening creams. Titanium helps with 'coverage' as it does with paints. Face paint. Make-up. It is found in some top of the line skin whitening agents such as mesoestetic Cosmelan Cream 2 or their mesoprotect Light Water AntiAgeing Veil sunscreen!

Sunscreen, we want non-nano particles. Of zinc. Not the titan! Herb Nerd NZ has a brilliant sunscreen. So does Frankie Apothecary.

So how do you know if you've got too much titanium? Titanium likes to interact with silica. They have a great time, but titanium takes over. Silica is necessary for connective tissue health. Like nails, hair, skin, and bone health. Brittle or weak nails, poor bone development osteoporosis, or thinning hair can be an indicator. Breathing difficulties. A heavy metal test can show what metals are at high levels. Some super scientific gobbledeegook that essentially says titanium, along with chromium, nickel, & colbalt cause DNA damage and interfere with liver function and cause oxidative damage. While it relates to surgical implants, the heavy metal information is relevant. "Within the nucleus, Cr(III) can cause mutagenesis by forming adducts with DNA47 and DNA-DNA cross-links.48 Cr, Ni, Co and Ti are redox metals and can generate reactive oxygen species, such as the superoxide radical (O2.) and the hydroxyl radical (.OH) via a Fenton-driven reaction with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2).49 Reactive oxygen species can induce oxidative damage to DNA,50 proteins,51 and lipids.52 Inhibition of DNA repair, altered signal transduction and gene expression have all been documented in response to a range of orthopaedic metal ions, notably Ni(II), Cr(VI) and Co(II).53,54 " (The Bone & Joint Journal Feb 2020.)

Whaaat? It basically means the metals damage DNA and create problems. But what to do? Well, make small changes. One every fortnight. Stop using lipstick. Yeah, right. Okay. Fair point. Find one that's free from titanium. Then look for a titanium-free powdered make-up thingies. Can you tell The Nerd knows aaaalll about make-up? The Apothecary in Woolston carries natural make-ups. Ask them if it contains titanium dioxide. Plus, the ladies there actually use make-up.

Other things to do: Eliminate E171, stop chewing gum, look for natural foods, check the ingredients. Sunscreen for sensitive skin! Our babies! Find a natural sunscreen like Herb Nerd NZ's Sun or Frankie Apothecary's.

Anyway, you get the idea. Small sustainable changes. You can do it! Your connective tissue will thank you for it.

The Nerd has your back. Peace & love.🌼

An informative blog on the safety of titanium dioxide:

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