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It makes a dark red tea with a tart flavour.
Lovely on its own or poured over ice.

The flowers are full of antioxidants (polyphenols) and vitamin C to help with colds, flu, immunity and detoxification.

Our tea is the full flower, dried. Organic, of course.

20 gram bag: almost 3/4 of a cup (or about 175 mls of the dried product.) You get a heap of tea!

Hibiscus Flower Tea, Organic

  • Certified organic Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flos (Hibiscus flowers)

  • Infuse 1-2 flowers in one cup of boiling water.
    Steep for 1-5 minutes.
    Strain. Sweeten if desired.

    Caution with heart medications as hibiscus can lower blood pressure.
    Do not take when pregnant as it can encourage labour.

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