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Please understand the name is not to be construed as a remedy or treatment for coughs and colds. It is just a name and we do not want you to be misled in accordance with Medsafe regulations.


This product could be useful for, you guessed it, coughs and colds. Runny nose. Flu. Sinusitis. Sore throat. While it is a great herbal combination, it is not meant to diagnose or treat any condition.


Pelargonium, the primary ingredient, is a South African herb. It's been used by the Zulu for yonks. It may be antimicrobial, antiviral, and may 'discourages' invaders' ability to bind to mucosal tissue (ie: respiratory tract.) It could be an extremely effective herb, but we are not making any kind of statment about that.


Marshmallow root is included as it might be soothing to mucosal tissue and may help with coughs and upset stomachs.


The herbal extraction is quite palatable, which can be unusual in the herbal world. It could help with compliance for those who are somewhat fussy. In the herbal world it is safe for children and all stages of life. However, in keeping with Medsafe regulations, it is best to consult your physician for therapeutic remedies and claims. Thank you!

Coughs & Colds

  • Directions are also on the bottle.

    You can take at first signs of illness or 'tickle' in back of throat.
    Stop once illness has passed.

    Adults: 4 mls twice a day.
    7-12 years of age: 2 mls twice day.
    3-6 years of age: 1 ml twice a day.
    2 & under: 4 drops three times a day. 

    This is not meant to diagnose or treat any illness or condition.

    **Contains alcohol.
    To remove alcohol, drop dose into 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon of boiled water. Swirl. Then take dose.

    If rash or vomiting occurs, discontinue use.

    Any questions or concerns, please get in touch.

    Always consult your healthcare professional.

  •  Pelargonium sidoides root tincture
    Organically grown Althea officinalis root glycetract
    Non-GMO, Palm oil free.

    **Contains alcohol.
    To remove alcohol, drop dose into 1 teaspoon or 1 tablespoon of boiled water. Swirl. Then take dose.

    30 ml amber glass bottle with dropper. 
    One dropperful is one ml.

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