A simple tea to help with sleep, anxiety, nervousness or upset stomach.
Its flavour appeals to the younger crowd and is kind of nice for us oldies, too.
Chamomile, Lemon Balm, and Peppermint combine beautifully to bring about a settled calm.
Useful to have an hour before bed or stressful events.
Suitable for use with children.
Caution with low thyroid due to Lemon Balm.
Not meant to cure, diagnose or treat any condition.
Sleepy Time Tea, Organic
Add 1-2 teaspoons to one cup of boiled water.
Cover. Infuse for 5-10 minutes.
Strain. Sweeten with honey, if desired.
Drink one cup an hour before bed.
One half cup for children.Certified organic Melissa officinalis herb (Lemon Balm)
Certified organic Matricaria recutita flos (Chamomile)
Certified organic Mentha x piperita herb (Peppermint)