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Are you the person everyone loves to have around because the bugs love you? Well, this is the repellent is for you.

It helps repel sandflies, mosquitoes, midges, and flies.

Enjoy your summer evenings again.
Let others enjoy the onslaught of biting insects.
It's always best to share!


On a hot summer day, it is quite refreshing.

BUG: The scent is floral with a hint of freshness. Contains Lavender.
BUG, TOO: The fragrance is citrusy with a floral undertone. It contains lemon scented essential oils. No Lavender.


Bug has been tested on the west coast near Westport, in Hamner, Canada, Australia, and in Nuie with amazing results. Notice the well used Bug resting by the Sydney Opera House!


Bug, Insect Repellent

  • Purified water
    Essential oil blend.

    BUG contains Lavender.
    BUG, TOO does not contain lavender.

  • Shake the bottle vigorously then apply.
    Usually a second application is required.
    Then you're sweet!
    Re-apply as required.

    BUG contains lavender and can attract bees.
    BUG, TOO does not contain lavender. Bees ignore you.

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